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Priz Em virtual diva

here to rock your world

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Priz Em virtual Diva was created to captivate all who witness her. Her sultry blend of husky tones and catchy tracks will move both your spirit and your feet. 


Priz Em comes to us from the fantasy world, of Mega Centarri; even though she is from a world of fantasy her voice and music are very real.


The creative team behind Priz Em’s music are veteran songwriters: Bruce Irvine, Merlin Rhys Jones, Jack Gunderson, Robert Szutyanyi and Kathy Irvine. Her music is produced and recorded by Canadian legendary producers and musicians: Anthony Anderson and Steve Smith of SA TrackWorks. The Mega Centarri website showcase’s 

Priz Em’s world and her music in ear and eye-catching detail


Her debut music video for the song “Heartless” is now on Youtube

The story of Priz Em’s life is told in the graphic novel Mega Centarri released on ComiXology and CryptoComics. The Mega Centarri social-network game is presently in development. 

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+1 (250) 731 7953

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